Spirometry is a quick test conducted to gauge the functionality of a patient’s lungs. The test is often done as part of a pulmonary function test. During the test, we will check the airflow in your lungs.
Here are some things to avoid before and during your test:
- Large meals should be avoided so it is easier to breathe
- No smoking before any tests.
- Do not wear tight clothing that may make it hard to breathe.
Spirometry tests help diagnose the following conditions:
- Asthma
- Restrictive lung diseases (such as pulmonary fibrosis)
- Chronic bronchitis
- Emphysema
If you have been previously diagnosed with a chronic lung disorder, spirometry can be used for periodic check-ups of your breathing. Spirometry can also be used before certain surgeries to check if your lungs are fit enough for the operation. Additionally, spirometry is used for occupation screening.
The Spirometry procedure
A spirometry test takes an average of 15 minutes. For patients with a history of breathing disorders, a bronchodilator may be used to ease the process. This procedure is done through three easy steps.
- Your doctor will instruct you to take a deep breath, hold the breath for a few seconds, and then you can exhale.
- Step two may be repeated at least three times to make sure the results are consistent.
We will be offering spirometry tests shortly and will be using best-in-class equipment so that you can have the best experience possible.
If you have any questions about spirometry tests, please contact us today at (916) 550-0350.